The combined Mandingalbay Yidinji-Gunggandji Peoples Native Title Determination (QCD2012/008) was determined by the Federal Court of Australia on 21 September 2012 and resulted in registration of the Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples Prescribed Body Corporate (‘the GMYPPBC’) as the registered native title body corporate incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth).
On 21 December 2015, the majority of the determination area was transferred to the GMYPPBC as alienable freehold under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 (Qld) (“the ALA”). Following the ALA transfer, the GMYPPBC became the Trustees and land owner for the Transferred Area. The PBC manages this land comprising of 8,200 hectares on behalf of the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji native title holders. Approximately 80% of the area is also covered by a World Heritage dedication and the values of the area are culturally and ecologically significant, and management of these values and the natural environment are very important to the Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji People.
The GMYPPBC is a standalone corporation and manages their land on behalf of the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji native title holders. The GMYPPBC and its members have aspirations for their land (Trustee Area) and currently exploring the potential for sustainable development opportunities to support improved environmental, economic and social activities through amendments to the Yarrabah Planning scheme and internal strategic management plans, such as creating sustainable eco cultural and environmental outcomes through the implementation of the GMYPPBC Masterplan and ongoing funding for the GMY Ranger Program.

Transfer ILUA (Transferred Area)
The Combined Mandingalbay Yidinji Gunggandji Yarrabah DOGIT Transfer Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) is an agreement between:
- the State of Queensland (applicant);
- Les Murgha and Charles Garling on their own behalf and on behalf of the Gunggandji People;
- Vincent Mundraby on his own behalf and on behalf of the Mandingalbay Yidinji People; and
- the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council.
The agreement was made on 12/09/2011.
The purpose of this agreement is for the parties to provide their consent to the transfer of an area of land under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 (Qld) (ALA) and the granting of that land as Aboriginal Land.
The official transfer took place on 21 December 2015. Former Chairman of the Gunggandji Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples Aboriginal Corporation, Vince Mundraby (Deceased), was interviewed by the Cairns Post at the Transfer Ceremony and shared the land was going back to its rightful owners.
“Now ... it will be managed properly, the right way, the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples way, our way,” he said.
“This will enable our community to develop an environmental economy, using our land, people and culture while transmitting to future generations a sustainable economy in a culturally appropriate manner that delivers a better quality of life.”
Following the Transfer the GMYPPBC became the Trustee for the Transferred Area and the ILUA has now expired. The 'GMYPPBC Trustee Area' is shaded green on the map below.
Council Trustee Area (Non-Transferred Area)
In accordance with the Transfer ILUA, the Yarrabah Shire Aboriginal Corporation ('the Council') retained Trusteeship for the non-transferrable area. The non-transferrable area is comprised of the roads and lease areas surveyed as part of the Block Holder ILUA. The existing Leases in the non-transferrable area are agreements between the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council and the Lessee. All new Expressions of Interests relating to the land within the 'Council Trustee Area' are required to be addressed to the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council and will be dealt with through the Local Government ILUA between Council and the GMYPPBC.
The 'Council Trustee Area' is shaded pink on the map below.
Planning for our Future

In the Yarrabah Town Planning Scheme (‘the Plan’), the GMYPPBC Trustee area is currently zoned as a Conservation Zone.
In 2017, the GMYPPBC commenced a Masterplan Project developed in consultation with GMYPPBC Board of Directors, GMYPPBC Members and common law native title holders, the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council, Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Wet Tropics Management Authority to undertake a feasibility assessment and review of the Yarrabah Shire Council Town Planning Scheme, to identify whether land within the GMYPPBC Area can be included in a zone other than conservation and environmental protection and/or increase the range of uses and activities permitted under the current zoning.
The Master Plan Project will enable the GMYPPBC Board of Directors and Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji People to identify development and economic opportunities to support the ongoing development of Yarrabah to create a sustainable and more prosperous living environment. This includes the initial establishment of a planning framework for development and use (a 'Masterplan') and the ongoing management of the lands in the Southern Trustee Area (in terms of economic, social and environmental outcomes).
The Masterplan and Strategic Plan will be used to assist the GMYPPBC to advance the interests and aspirations of the Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji People.
The GMYPPBC Masterplan is still under development and consultation with the stakeholders is ongoing and subject to ongoing funding.

There is currently no Indigenous Land Use Agreement in place to grant residential leases or development in the GMYPPBC Area.
While the GMYPPBC Masterplan Project is underway and in the interest of best practice, fairness and transparency, the Board of Directors have resolved that the GMYPPBC will not accept any expressions of interests or commence work on the ILUA to approve any leases within the GMYPPBC Trustee Area until such time as the GMYPPBC Masterplan has been developed in consultation with the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji People. Following the development of the Masterplan, the organisation will undertake consultation with the GMY People to develop, authorise and register an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) specific to the granting of leases and development for the areas zoned for residential and development purposes within the Trustee Area.
With the agreement and support of DATSIP those areas that are considered feasible and zoned for residential purpose will be surveyed and the GMYPPBC will develop an Expression of Interest Policy and Procedure process for residential lease applications and development applications in accordance with the ILUA and zonings determined in GMYPPBC Masterplan & Yarrabah Town Planning Scheme.

As part of our consultation and research work led by our Planning Consultants Ethos Urban, we identified several technical studies were required to be undertaken to support sustainable planning for country and amend the Yarrabah Town Planning scheme, particularly to understand the constraints to identify the location and design of future residential settlements and recreational and economic activities within the GMYPPBC Trustee Area.
We have sought funding from the Queensland Government, Australian Government and ILSC to engage key experts to undertake these technical studies. Studies completed include:
- Ecological Assessment undertaken by 3D Environmental led by David Stanton.
- Bush Fire Hazard Assessment and Bush Fire Risk Assessment led by Fire Specialists Litoria Group.
- Flood Risk Assessment undertaken by BMT Commercial Australia Pty Ltd.
- Civil Engineering Plan undertaken by Bligh Tanner.
A Coastal Hazard Adaptation study was also undertaken by the Yarrabah Council and the GMYPPBC participated in the delivery of this study to support planning requirements for the GMY Masterplan and Trustee Area. These studies have been used to identify possible areas that may be suitable for residential and economic development opportunities and the areas were presented to a meeting of the Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji common law holders in June 2022.
Funding for the Masterplan Project ceased on 30 June 2022. The GMYPPBC Board of Directors and Executive Officer have been working with our funding partners ILSC, DATSIP RILIPO and NIAA to identify the priorities to progress the Masterplan Project to completion.
In April 2023, the DATSIP RILIPO team confirmed they would support the prioritisation of the Masterplan Project, which involved splitting the Masterplan Project into three parts:
Part 1: the development of a Precinct Plan at Bloomis Point to support the economic aspirations (funded).
Part 2: the development of the Residential areas (not funded)
Part 3: the development of an Indigenous Land Use Agreement to support Parts 1 and 2.
DATSIP has supported the GMYPPBC to tender and engage town planning consultants, surveyors, engineers and an urban planner to consult with the GMYPPBC Board of Directors, Rangers and common law holders to design concept plans for Bloomis Point. The Draft concept plans for Bloomis Point and an information session on the ILUA were presented to a meeting of the Common Law Holders on 20 June 2024. Further details regarding the Bloomis Point Precinct Plan project are outlined below.

Several consultations on the GMYPPBC Masterplan Project have been undertaken with the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji People during 2017-2023. There will be further community consultations scheduled to provide updates on the Masterplan Project as funding is secured and we encouragea attendance at these meetings.
If you are a Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji common law holder and wish to be notified and attend these consultation meetings, please email gmyppbc@gmail.com and request to be added to our mailing list.
Bloomis Point Precinct Plan Project - Draft Concept Designs
Consultation Underway
The Bloomis Point Precinct Plan project has been commissioned to undertake preliminary assessments to determine the suitability of the precinct and to prepare concept design of the precinct on collaboration with GMYPPBC and consultation with the Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji People. The Precinct Plan is to also enable future well informed decisions and funding to facilitate implementation of the vision in the concept design. The precinct plan is also a practical pathway to realising tourism and employment opportunities. This project is proudly supported by the Queensland Government's Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts - Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office | Infrastructure and Coordination Team.
The draft concept plans were presented at a meeting of the common law holders on 20 June 2024 along with an information session on the Indigenous Land Use Agreement. The meeting was well attended and draft plans were supported by those in attendance. Feedback was provided by those in attendance and this feedback has been incorporated into the draft plans.
Further updates and consultations for this project are scheduled to be shared at the GMYPPBC AGM on Wednesday 27 November 2024 and a meeting of the Common Law Holders will be facilitated in February 2025 - date to be confirmed. Drafting has commenced on the ILUA and a Draft ILUA will be presented to the common law holders at the February 2025 meeting.
Attention Common Law Holders: All Common Law Holders are encouraged to participate in these consultations for the Bloomis Point Precinct Project. To stay up to date and receive invitations for these meetings, please email our Executive Officer Helen Tait to be added to the consultation mailing list: helen.tait@gmyppbc.org

Bloomis Point Precinct Project
Site Plan
The draft Bloomis Point Precinct Plan Concept Plans have been developed in consultation with the GMYPPBC Board of Directors, GMY Rangers and common law native title holders with the assistance of Meridian Urban and a team of expertise including town planners, surveyors, ecologists, engineers and an Urban Planner.
Concept Design - Landscaping & Infrastructure
Draft concept designs have been developed to guide landscaping and the built infrastructure to align with the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples aspirations to create sustainable infrastructure that minimises our footprint and vegetation clearing, while respecting country and keeping our natural and cultural values intact.

Concept Design - Rangers Base
The draft concept designs for the ranger base have been developed in consultation with the GMY rangers to ensure the infrastructure will accommodate the operational needs of the ranger program and provide secure storage of assets and equipment, while
accomodating for future organisation growth. The ranger base also includes caretaker accomodation.
Concept Design School Group Camping Facilities
The draft concept School Group Accomodation plans will enable the GMYPPBC to expand our cultural tourism business and cater for large groups seeking a combination of day and overnight cultural tourism experiences. The plans accomodate for 32 guests in four cabins, an amenities block and indoor camp recreational room for meals and activities. The landscaping concept plans accomodate for high ropes and low ropes activities, which will be incorporated into the tour packages.

Concept Design - Eco Lodge |
Visitor Information Centre
The draft concept plans include a two story Visitor Information Centre with expansive views to the Great Barrier Reef. The facility includes:
- Administration offices and conference facilities
- Reception, café and gift shop showcasing local art, pottery and artefacts.
Concept Design - Eco Cabins
The concept designs include 10 standalone self-sufficient sustainable cabins that will be hired out to guests seeking cultural tourism experiences & visitors to the community. Each cabin will include an ensuite, sleeping area, small kitchenette and balcony.

Ranger Program
The Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples Prescribed Body Corporate’s Reef Assist Ranger Project commenced in February 2021 after securing funding from the Queensland Government's Reef Assist program in collaboration with the Wet Tropics Management Authority.
Seven Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinij (GMY Rangers) completed a Certificate III in Conservation Land Management with Tafe Queensland and a wide range of complimentary training.
We are extremely proud of the GMY Ranger team and their achievements. It has been a pleasure to watch the GMY Rangers grow and develop a wide range of new skills and qualifications that can be applied in the field to achieve positive land management outcomes on Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji country.
The Wet Tropics Management Authority's Executive Director Scott Buchanan said, "the Authority appreciates the great work undertaken by the GMYPPBC team in the delivery of the Reef Assist program and in providing employment and training to unemployed and underemployed locals while investing in on ground restoration and cultural activities".
Queensland Indigenous Land & Sea Ranger Program:
The GMYPPBC leveraged from the Reef Assist Ranger program funding to secure funding from the Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger Program to continue to engage the Ranger Coordinator and three rangers from the original Reef Assist Ranger Program. In addition, GMYPPBC secured extension funding from the Reef Assist Program through to November 2022, which has enabled us to retain our remaining Ranger team members.
Skilling Queenslanders for Work - Work Skills Traineeships:
In 2023, the GMPPBC secured funding from the Queensland Government's Work Skills Traineeship Program to engage 8 Trainee Rangers for 26 weeks to complete a Work Skills Traineeship. During the Traineeship, these trainee rangers will completed a nationally accredited Certificate I in Conservation and Eco Systems Management with Tafe Queensland and a series of complimentary training to support safe work practices and employability post completion of the traineeship. The traineeship program has been specifically designed to develop vocational and employability skills and provide the trainee rangers with a pathway to employment following the completion of the traineeship in September 2023. Seven of the graduating SQW Trainees remained with the GMYPPBC and enrolled in a Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystems Management and one graduate commenced employment with Experience Co's Reef Unlimited as a Cultural Guide.
GMYPPBC has secured further funding to deliver a second Skilling Queenslanders for Work Program in 2024, which is currently underway and the 8 Trainee Rangers are scheduled to graduate on 20 December 2024.
The Skilling Queenslanders for Work Project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government. Skilling Queenslanders for Work funds not for profit community organisations like the GMYPPBC to deliver projects that respond to the needs of local job seekers and employment opportunities in the area.
Future Ranger positions:
We will continue to seek ongoing funding to support and retain the GMY Ranger team and provide more employment and environmental outcomes on Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji land and sea country.
For regular updates on the Ranger Program, please visit and follow our Facebook page (@gmyppbc) and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for view our videos (@gmyrangers)
The GMYPPBC values partnerships and wishes to acknowledge and thank our partners and staff for their time and support. We look forward to continuing our partnerships and achieving many more positive outcomes for the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji People in partnership with our stakeholders and partners.
Special mention to our Project Partners: Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger Program, Wet Tropics Management Authority, David Stanton 3D Environmental, Wugu Nyambil, MAS Experience, Tafe Queensland, Rural Fire Service, Tangaroa Blue, TropWATER, Reef Restoration Foundation, Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Blue Planet Marine, DESBT, Experience Co and the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council.
GMYPPBC Ranger Team

Justin Keyes
Senior Ranger

Cadmas Sands
Ranger Trainee Supervisor

Frederick Lefoe
Ranger - Currently undertaking a secondment role with GBR Biology

Brody Gray
Ranger Trainee Supervisor
GMYPPBC Ranger Trainee Team
Skilling Queenslanders for Work - Work Skills Traineeship Program

Keith Ambrym
Ranger Trainee

Dion Sands
Ranger Trainee

Yitzhak Bulmer
Ranger Trainee

Stirling King
Ranger Trainee

Meegan Fourmile
Ranger Trainee

Helen Tait
Executive Officer

The GMYPPBC is registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) and is classified as a Medium sized corporation.
The GMYPPBC Board of Directors are elected by the GMYPPBC Membership at the Annual General Meeting and represents the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples.
The current elected GMYPPBC Board of Directors are outlined below:
Daniel Noble - Gunggandji
Ailsa Lively - Gunggandji
Carmille Pearson - Gunggandji
Jason Wray - Gunggandji
Victor Bulmer - Mandingalbay Yidinji
Issac Mundraby Snr - Mandingalbay Yidinji
Jabalum Mundraby - Mandingalby Yidinji
Dewayne Mundraby - Mandingalbay Yidinji (Chairperson)
The Board of Directors have appointed Helen Tait as the Executive Officer to implement the strategic plan and oversee the operations of the Corporation.
The GMYPPBC Membership comprises of the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples.
Clause 18 and 19 GMYPPBC Rulebook (Constitution) outlines the Membership eligibility requirements and process for applying for Membership with the GMYPPBC.
The GMYPPBC Rulebook and Membership application form are available for download from the Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal Corporations (ORIC) website: www.oric.gov.au

The GMYPPBC Board of Directors have established visitor access protocols for accessing the GMYPPBC Trustee area, which are set out as follows as an acknowledgment of respect:
Non-residents of Yarrabah are required to register their visit by contacting the GMYPPBC Executive Officer. For all access enquiries, please email: gmyppbc@gmail.com
Non-residents of Yarrabah are required to be accompanied by or have the permission of a Guragulu, Gurabana or Mandingalbay Yidinji Person to access the area.
All visitors are required to comply with relevant Local Government, State Government and Commonwealth Government legislation.
All visitors are required to comply with the Cultural Heritage Act Qld 2003 (Qld).
The Gunggandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples Prescribed Body Corporate strives to be a catalyst for positive change for the Yarrabah Community and acknowledge that to achieve this vision we must link arms, collaborate and build relationships with partners and stakeholders.
We take this opportunity to recognise and thank our valued partners for their support, funding and assistance, and look forward to continuing our partnerships to achieve the Gungandji-Mandingalbay Yidinji Peoples aspirations for their country, people and culture.